********Nashville FM Country Radio********

rock and roll

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Me interesa mucho vuestra opinión.

Hola amigos y fans de Elvis de todo el mundo, debido a que la encuesta de la opinión sobre el blog la realicé al principio de crear la página y ahora tengo muchos más seguidores, la vuelvo a abrir con la intención de tener vuestra opinión y así poder mejorar si es que hiciera falta en algo.
Hello friends and Elvis fans from around the world, because the opinion poll on the blog I made to the beginning of creating the page, and now I have many more supporters, I open with the intention to have your opinion and so to improve if they do lack something.

5 comentarios:

  1. dont fix what aint broke m8 its great as it is keep up the good work my friend

  2. Tino, your blog is great, keep doing this way. and thank you. I known about your blo

  3. Hi

    Just a quick note to say there's no problem with this blog and a big thankyou from me for giving me the chance to hear elvis's goodies i havent heard. Keep rockin with the King.

  4. Hi, Joao & Chris:

    Thanks for your comments, greetings.


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