The Legend Continues Switch now to Ellis James "The Cadillac Man", nominated for Most Promising Male Vocalist in 1991 by the major Independent Record Label Awards committee...this CD obviously shows why. Ellis's magical voice recreates the King's golden voice on popular songs never recorded by EP. Recorded at Stargem Studios in Nashville, and produced by Wayne Hodge with engineering by Denny Knight - this is one of Jimmy Ellis's best CDs. Tracks: Feel Right, Since I Met You Baby, Slow Hand, Nothing Short of Dying, Love Is In The Air, That's The Thing About Love, At This Moment, It Only Hurts When I Cry, Tips of My Fingers, and Treat Me Nice.
Mi buen amigo el señor Mr. TCB siempre con grandes aportes a este mi modesto blog en homenaje a Elvis Presley y sus grandes imitadores.
My good friend the gentleman Mr. TCB always with great contributions to this my modest blog in tribute to Elvis Presley and its great impersonators.
Orion, uno de los mejores artistas cuyo timbre de voz recordaba al de Elvis. No digo 'imitador', porque no lo considero tal, Orion tenía su propia personalidad y sus propios temas, aunque también versionara al rey. ¿Podrían seguir colgando discos de Jimmy Ellis? Su discografía es complicada de conseguir!! Gracias por todo lo que hacéis!!
ResponderEliminarGracias Darío, intentaré conseguir más material de Orion para postearlo, un saludo.